Last month when I went to the Dr, I could have found out what I was having. My husband didn't want to know so I told the Dr I didn't want to know (Hubby didn't want to know last time, but I found out anyway and wouldn't tell him). Later down the road I made a comment about a gender neutral outfit being "too girly" and he said that from that comment I was having a girl. Turned out he was right.
For those of you who waited...Did you ever want to change your mind and find out to make planning easier? How did you make it thru without finding out??
For those of you who didn't find out, but then later changed your mind and found what point?
I am having mixed thoughts this time about finding out. I don't want to know b/c it really doesn't matter, but at the same time I want to know so that I can have the perfect coming home outfit and everything already set up??
Baby Gender? Find out or no...see details please, I want both sides?
Ok I will give both sides because I have just found out that we are expecting a baby girl that I am so excited about. However, it is quite strange because I kind of think what is there to tell people after she is born? Her weight not quite the same as saying wow it's a lovely little girl or boy. I am not regretting it but perhaps next time I wouldn't find out. It is a tough decision that initially can be made so quick. However, I can get a little organised now but then it would serve me right if the sonographer was wrong haha. Good luck with everything.
Reply:I've had 2 kids and I've done both...with my first one I waited, and I just got everything in yellows, mint green, red, stuff like that. Things that would fit both a girl and a boy. Turns out I had a boy, and let me tell you, I seriously wish that I would have found out, cause for like the first 5 months, when he was in yellow and mint green clothes and blankets, all i got were people telling me what a beautiful daughter I had. So on my second pregnancy as soon as I knew I could find out the sex I did. And it was a girl, and this was much easier, because I was able to plan everything, she had the prettiest dress to come home in, a gorgeous princess themed room, and at the baby shower, everyone knew I was having a girl so I got so many things that a little girl would want. So my thought is to find out! But thats just me :)
Reply:We found out in August that we're expecting a boy in January. It seemed like an eternity before we could find out, so I can't imagine going until my due date without knowing what the baby is. I promise you, you won't be less excited just because you find out early. We've already named him and call him by that name when we talk to him. People are making things for him with his name on them, such as a baby blanket with his name embroidered on. We REALLY wanted a boy, and if it had been a girl then I think I would've needed that extra time to prepare myself mentally! (I'd be ok with the next one being a girl.)
It really is a personal choice, so good luck to you and congrats!
Reply:You already answered your question. Reread your question and you will see that you are leaning towards going ahead to know the baby's sex. You are not doing it only because of your husband's preferences. Convince him that you both don't have to be hurrying to get stuff for the baby when he or she is born. You don't want your baby to be wearing a whole bunch of unisex clothing where people often make the mistake to think it's a boy when it's a girl and vice versa.
Reply:Its a girl. Don't question it.
Reply:With our first child we didn't find out and it was kind of nice to be suprised, but with our next two we found out because one we really wanted to know and also since we already had one child we wanted to know so we could save money by saving our first child's things ( our first was a girl and so was our second, so we didn't get rid of her clothes and all the girly stuff)
Our third was a boy so we could prepare and also it is easier choosing names. I don't really see the big deal in finding out, it's not as if it is some kind of sin to find out, whatever both parents agree on.
Our friends had the ultrasound tech put the sex of the baby on a piece of paper in an envelope and give it to them and they opened it on Christmas, I thought that was kind of cool.
Reply:I agree with you...I found out with both of my kids...I also wanted to have them in the perfect outfit coming home (and for their first picture) and yes, having everything already set up made it alot easier :)
I do know that even if you are told it is never 100%...
Reply:I did not find out. We chose not to. Because, as you said - it didn't matter. As it turns out, the time spent being pregnant and wondering was small compared to the time since our children have been with us (they are grown now). So, it is a matter of relevance. Six months of wondering verses 25 years of knowing........not such a big deal. As for the perfect coming home outfit.......there are plenty that are gender neutral.
I hope I've helped you.
Reply:My sister-in-law found out at her 4 month appointment and immediately regretted it. She just wishes it had been a surprise.
A pregnant coworker didn't find out and therefore didn't get many clothes items since no one knew what she was having. She got lots of junk like hangers, wipes, etc.
I'd want to know because I've heard it helps you bond with the baby, when you know what sex it is and what the name will be. Not to mention the practicality of it - planning ahead, etc.
Reply:We can't wait to find out the "flavor" of our baby! My reason is that I'm just curious. My husband wants to know so that he can plan better. I think it's part of the fun of having a baby... More power to those who can last 9 months without knowing!
Reply:I didn't find out with my first child, but with the second I did because I wanted to know if I should be buying things in different colors.
Personally I wish I wouldn't have found- out it's the element of surprise and you can't get that back.
10 years from now will you care or even remember what you took them home in without looking at a picture. I just see that beautiful face with both of them and not the clothes.
Reply:I know how you feel.. I changed my mind what seemed like a 100 times..I wanted to know..then I didn't want to know. Well when the time came when I was able to find out, I couldn't! Baby's feet were crossed! I was a little sad, but then I thought well maybe she wants me to wait! So the next time I had an ultrasound I STILL couldn't see. My husband really wanted to know too. But then the next time I had an ultrasound I couldn't wait to find out and now I'm having a girl.. I am SOO happy that I found out because I have the cutest girly outfits and perfect outfit to take her home in. I'm not into the green and yellows so in the end I'm very glad I found out.
I'm having a c-section on Saturday because she is still breech!
good luck and congrats on your pregnancy
Reply:I found out the sex of my baby. It was definitely easier for me so that I could plan everything and have all of the girly things for her before she was born. I didn't really think, being a single mom, that I would have time after she was born to shop for gender specific items.
Reply:The baby isn't really going to care what colors they have in their nursery, etc. The whole 'having to have gender appropriate colors' is solely for parents. I've never had a child, but... All I can say is get neutral clothes, greens, oranges, reds, etc, and don't worry, because at the rate your baby will grow you'll have to get all new clothes in a few months anyway. =) Good luck!!
Reply:if you know what the baby is you can buy cute little blue or pink outfits instead of gender neutral stuff. you can plan baby showers and the nursery so much easier. there is so many more suprises and anticipations with the birth of your baby besides its gender and its just as exciting when your getting the ultrasound to find out the sex as it is to find out at birth. so you should make life a little easier on yourself this time.
Reply:Just wait
Reply:hi it does not realy matter as long as u have a beautiful baby at the end thats all that is nice to find out the sex , but is also nice to have a surprise, i have 3 kids and found out the sex off all of them which is nice as u can get the colours u want then and plan more, but i do wish sometimes that i had not found out the sex so i would off had the surprise, but i wouldnt say its easy not knowing its very hard esp now they have made it so easy for u to find out the sex without paying for it. i say if u can ride it out and get that extra special surprise at the end as its all worth it . hope this helps. and good luck and i wish u well what ever u decide. xx
Reply:I never wanted to find out and it didn't make a bit of difference to my planning - I picked a boy's name and a girl's name, decorated in a neutral style, bought a grey buggy and lots of plain white babygro's. I had 2 children (both boys) and never considered finding out the sex, and if I had another 10 children I wouldn't find out either. The moment of my children being born and hugging their little naked bodies, not knowing what sex and not caring either because they were my perfect babies...I wouldn't miss that for the world.
To me, finding out is all about practicalities, its about what colour to paint the nursery - it doesn't have to be pink or blue.
JMO, seems like most people do find out these days so I'm probably in a minority.
Reply:Hi 'Kiddo'! :-)
I think you've just posted one of the most important questions any mum and/or dad-to-be could ask themselves - should we find out or go áu naturél?
While most couples cant wait to find out, its becoming an increasingly popular trend to just wait and see 'what pops out'.
I personally, found out at my 12 week ultrasound that I was having a little girl. I thought that was fantastic, as I'd always wanted a little girl to dress-up and play Barbies with! Finding out that early, also gave us another 6 and a half months time to prepare her nursery, and buy her clothes. I personally am NOT a big fan of unisex clothes, so I would have been DEVISTATED if I had have bought the wrong coloured outfits!
Finding out that we were having a little girl, also gave us enough time to paint her whole room 'fizzy' pink, buy about 250 pink, red, purple, etc. outfits before her birth, buy her a pink pram (I know - we might sound a little extreme here, but wait till you see it!!), buy her pink towels and we even knew to buy nappies for little girls.
See, if you dont find out the gender of your baby, how would you have possibly known to do all that? Personally, I think her room has become one of the most gorgeous rooms in the house - its so colourful, and there is a great atmosphere in there (until she starts screeching haha)...
NOW TO THE OTHER OPINION - It is of course every couples right not to find out if they are having a boy or a girl, if they do not wish to know.
My husband and I have discussed having another baby in that past, and we have made an oath to go to the other 'extreme' with this next baby - we dont want to know if we're having a boy or a girl, and instead of having another hospital birth, we've already made contact with a group of home-based midwives to have the baby in the bathtub at home! Pricey, but not too expensive to really understand and fully be able to witness childbirth without drugs or pain-killers, in the comfort of your own home!
So Kiddo, its really is up to you. Why dont you let yourself be suprised this time? Then you can even make a bet with your hubby to see if his pick was right or not... :-)
Good luck Kiddo!
Reply:I think it's good to know because you can plan better. On the other hand, people can be superstitious about knowing as if the pregnancy does not come to full term or there's an issue at the birth, you are already bonded with the child as an unique being, with names, outfits and all the associated paraphernalia. I can see both sides.
Reply:I understand your dilemma, but my husband and I chose to wait in finding out the sex of our first child, and it was such a great surprise in the end that it was so worth it!! I would TOTALLY recommend keeping it a surprise. Of course you want to plan a little bit, but maybe you can decorate in something semi-neutral (animals, perhaps?) and you can always buy two outfits to bring him/her home in! Buy one boy outfit and one girl outfit. You obviously won't use one, but you could save it for a potential next baby or give it away to someone else. I say - wait. Its really exciting, the anticipation! Now I am pregnant again, and we are saving this one for a surprise, as well!! Good luck!
Reply:I didn't wait, and I have no regrets.
There is joy and surprise at the MOMENT you find out the gender. To me, it didn't matter if it was at the ultrasound table, or the labor table.
Reply:i didn't have to find out. i knew the moment the test came back pos. that i was having a boy. my first AS confirmed it. as for as finding out or not is up to you. if you want to wait then just buy things that can be used for a boy or a girl. that way your covered either way. good luck and congrats.
Reply:This is totally a matter of personal ethics, taste and choice.
Reply:There are some boutique and shops that you can go in and pick out an outfit either for the girl or boy. You prepay a certain amount of money, or have them bill you for it. When you have the baby, the doctor's office calls the boutique and they ship it to the hospital. That's available in Louisiana anyways.
Reply:I thihk it's better to know in advance. That way you are already calling the baby by it's name and bonding with it. Not knowing isn't going to change the gender. Also it makes it easier for friends and family to pick out the right presents so you don't to worry about returning items. After all, the baby is who he or she is from conception, not birth.
Reply:Not knowing the baby's gender won't dapple your excitement of the new baby. Go ahead and go wild with your little girl's room. I mean, after all, does gender honestly matter? You have so many more surprises, such as eye color, size, and above all, your little girl's personality.
Reply:on the plus side you can get everything ready for the baby on the minus side the surprise can be very nice
Reply:i found out at 19 weeks. I couldnt wait, i dont regret it...cause now i can pick things out for my baby GIRL. =]
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