Thursday, November 19, 2009

Help me find the volume....?

Answer the ones you can

1) Density= mass/volume

mass= .5 gram

volume= 6 liters

find density

2) Find the Volume for the Cone(v= 1/3 • π • r² • height)

height= 15 inches

diameter= 9 inches

3) Find the Volume for the Piramid (v= 1/3bh)

height= 9


4) Find the Volume for the Cylinder (v= π • r² • height)

volume= 15 inches/liters

diameter= 6

5) Sphere: (v= 4/3 • π • r³)

volume= 36

find the radius

Thank you.

Help me find the volume....?
1) Density is usually expressed in g/cm³, but we'll keep it in lilters:

m = 0.5 gm

V = 6l

D = m / V

D = 0.5 / 6

D = 0.0833 gm / l


2) h = 15in.

d = 9 in.

Find r;

r = d / 2

r = 9 / 2, or 4.5 in.

V = 1/3 π r² h

V = (3.14159 * (4.5)² * 15) / 3

V = (3.14159 * 20.25 * 15) / 3

V = 954.258 / 3

V = 318.086 cu. in.


3) The volume of a regular pyramid is V = 1/3(Base Area * Height), so your formula is wrong.

h = 9 units

b = 42 units

A = b²

A = 42²

A = 1746 sq. units

V = Ah / 3

V = (1746 * 9) / 3

V = 15714 / 3

V = 5238 cu. units


4) You ask for the volume, but then you give it, so the problem is misstated.

5) V = 36 cu. units

V = 4/3 π r³, or (4 π r³) / 3

Solve for r:

Multiplying both sides by 3:

3V = 4 π r³

Dividing both sides by 4 π:

3V / 4 π = r³

Taking the cube root of both sides:

³√(3V / 4 π) = r, or

r = ³√(3V / 4 π)

r = ³√((3 * 36) / (4 * 3.14159))

r = ³√(108 / 12.5664)

r = ³√8.5943

r = 2.0483 units

Reply:All you need is a calculator and a piece of paper and a pencil. There is no reason you can't solve these equations. All you do is plug in the numbers in the right place and solve for the missing variable using basic operations.

I will give you one hint. Pi = 3.14. Though most calculators have a pi button.

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