Monday, November 16, 2009

Trying to find mother, i'm not adopted, she left years ago?

she left 20 years ago, and please don't say why bother looking, i only want closure, and yes i am sure that i do. anyway, i am wondering if anyone knows of a good way, i have even paid the $60 search and sent out about 12 letters to the addresses i got, with no responses. she may not want to be found, or i may not have found her, but either way, i am determined to. i have a friend who found her father through some organization, very small, i want to say it was called ALMA? anyway, i can't find any info on them, does anyone know of them, or some other similar organization i could go through? i really need to find her (physical address i can go to preferably), if for nothing else than closure. thanks in advance!

Trying to find mother, i'm not adopted, she left years ago?
Alma was the first Reunion Registry , I do not think that they have ever made it 2 the internet yet though... do a general search in ur toolbar for....reunionregistries..or reunionregistry...good luck
Reply:Hey, send me the name and her date of birth and I'll see what I can find. Last month I reunited a birth mom and birth daughter. I won't charge you anyhting, I just get personal satisfaction from helping people.
Reply:If your parents are divorced her Social Security number should be in the paperwork. If you can get her number do a credit check on her. It should have her current address. Good Luck!
Reply:Of course, when you were born, you had to have a birth certificate unless you were born at home. Your birth certificate would be in the location you were born. It has your mother and Father's name on it. Finding your mom will be more difficult, but not impossible. Several organizations can find that.
Reply:Maybe u should forget all the previous information u found about her %26amp; start ur search from the very beginning. Best of luck!
Reply:BetteBoop said it.

Her name is on your birth Certificate. I found people just by using friends or search Engines. I am doing Geology reports right now. I would go to Vital Records and talk to them because she might not be in this State at all. What about your Grandmother.
Reply:some advice from one abandoned child to another closure wont get you anywhere. trust me i know if you do decide to continue good luck.
Reply:I really feel sorry for you... Try searching on for find youre anscesters. I found one of my family members that was in the "American Revolution" through that.
Reply:Try Although you have to know her birthdate, age, full name/maiden, and possible location. I hope it helps.
Reply:try the Salvation Army or Morman Church- have heard both of these organizations have a good success rate
Reply:Try but it's only in America

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