My boyfriend find other girls beautiful. He may just say many times: look this girl is beautiful isn´t she? And it make me feel so bad about myself as if he likes them more than me otherwise he won´t be finding them beautiful and telling me if he has me.
What can i do? is there any way to make him stop finding other girls attractive?
I really don´t like, find attracive or check other guys. He is the best and the one and only for me
Boyfriend find other girls beautiful?
hes just trying to make you jealous. do it back...
Reply:it normal to find other people attractive even when you are dating. just because he thinks they are beautiful doesnt mean he likes them
Reply:I have the same problem with my girlfriend, but she dosen't tell me they are hot. Sometimes she will, other times she wont.
Here's my idea: Confront him about it. Tell him it bothers you.
Good luck!
Reply:Idon't really know if he is the one for u if he says all of that. Besides, guys come and go and they will always go for the one they love. Just be proud and aggressive, sexy adn passionen, carring and collected and dress sexy too and he will notice you and that will give him somthing to remember about you that no other girl in a magizine can give him, if you really think he is the one. Hope I helped!!!
Reply:There are no ways to make a guy stop looking coz no matter how beautiful one makes herself to be..there is alwyas someone better looking...i personally don;t think there's harm in looking^^ Just remember Bruce Springsteen's can look but you better not touch boy, mess around you'll end up in ...[i don't remember the next line]
Reply:I know thats really hard to deal with, try to do it to other guys and see what he thinks if he argues just point out that he does it and maybe he'll stop
Reply:He is always going to find other girls attractive, and I find it hard to believe that you don't find other boys attractive. It's human nature. However, he is being disrespectful and likely trying to make you jealous by doing this. My advice is to not give him a reaction. He will likely stop. If he doesn't, tell him how it makes you feel.
Reply:well after he says that find a hot guy and say "Hey don't you think that guy looks well hung?"
and see how he likes it.
here is a video for ya cuz you know you could have another him in a minute, babayyyyyy:
some advice:
the amount of disrespect you should take is zero
Reply:he trying to relate to you on a fashoin and style viewpoint
you are way too sensitive when the world is filled with attractive people and he is self-confident enough to trust you with his observations and you are acting immaturely-
try taking the other tack of seeing if he is right about it and ask why, what makes that person attractive-
unless the guy is a total sexist jerk, then what the heck are you doing with him?
get on board or bail.
Reply:He is normal, and stupid enough to be honest with you. Hopefully he will learn as he matures not to be honest with you.
You obviously have a problem with other men, or your lying, hopefully lying
Reply:when I was younger, I dated a guy who did the same thing to me. I couldnt measure up, I bleached my hair very blonde, always wore make up, best clothes, always dieting, and working out, and it wasnt good enough for him. we broke up many years ago, and, i think now how I twisted myself into a pretzel to try to please someone else. When in fact, i was better than him all along.
get rid of him, and find a man that will accept you as you are and love you. trust me on this one.
Reply:Does he tell you your beautiful? Chances are he's being honest. I'd be more secure with that than if he never notices. I used to point out pretty girls to my husband so I'd beat him in saying it first!! after awhile he quit saying it and i felt a lot more secure in our relationship so it didn't bother me so bad. There is nothing u can do to "make him stop finding other girls attractive". It is human nature and at least he is being honest with u.
On the other hand, if he never says it to you and does it just to make you feel bad then he isn't worth it! He obviously found you attractive enough to date so just tell him, honestly, how it makes you feel when he does it. Hope this helps!
Reply:I do no how you feel I lived it for many years at least 12 start turning it around point them out to him and start making your own quotes of great looking guys if he is not bothered by it then give in and don't be bothered by him because it is a natural guy thing to look and look and look and still say your all I need but we feel like we are not I do understand, Good Luck
Reply:He's male and you are lying, if you say you do not look. EVERYBODY looks, actions are something else.
Reply:;well if he can do it,, so can you play that,,, if this don't stop him maybe you should find a guy that won't hurt your feelings every time he open his big mouth good -luck , but i think he;s trying to ruin your self esteem, so he can fill his ego ,and keeping you hurt because he wants you to think he a god,your best bet is to move on,,, and forget about him he will probably never change.
Reply:Maybe he is only teasing you.
Reply:All Men are like that ,I gave up worrying about that years ago ,The thing is its you he wants and comes home too Dont Worry ,
Reply:Just because he finds other women beautiful or attractive, doesn't mean that he doesn't like you, or that he doesn't think you are beautiful.
You have several options. You can tell him that you really don't like it when he says that, and you would prefer he not share those comments with you. You could accept it for what it is, a compliment to another person and get over it. You could find someone else who doesn't say things like that.
Whatever you do, you must accept that you will never change his behavior, and the second you start trying, you are opening a can of worms. If you have an honest conversation with him about his behavior and how it makes you feel, and he really cares and loves you, he will want to change his own behavior. Your boyfriend is the only person who can change that.
Reply:just tell him how you feel about the situation, if he doesnt stop start doing it to him.
Reply:Listen, if my boyfriend showed me this kind of disrespect, I would kick him to the curb. Seriously, his manners are horrible.
It's totally inappropriate while with your mate to point out other women in their presence.
I'm sorry, but why are you putting up with this crap?
You say he is the best? Well, obviously, he feels like he is god's gift to all woman and you are playing right along with this.
You deserve better. You need to look within yourself as to why you are allowing some shallow guy to treat you this way.
Reply:He and any other guy is going to find other girls pretty, but throwing it in your face is just rude. Next time he does it tell him, well why don't you go out with her then cause i'm going to find a guy who knows how to apreciate me and my feelings, you F'n asshole.
Reply:Tell him how you feel about that andn he should lighten up a least thats how mine is..
Reply:Males always look at other women and they won't stop, however in your case he should be more sensitive and not voice his opinions to you in this manner. He should have more respect for you. Perhaps you should sit down with him and discuss this openly and see where this takes you.
Best of Luck!
Reply:obviously not since he's being a jerk...
Reply:u should try doing the same thing to him. When u r together, check out other guys....and see his reaction.
Reply:I really feel for you there. My hubby don't say it in front of me but I've caught him looking many times and I really could do him a mischief! We can't stop them finding other women attractive though cos they are men and they will always look at beautiful women. If he has an eye for beautiful women, then I would take that as a compliment though because he obviously thinks your the most beautiful! Or he wouldn't be with you. Sometimes my hubby would do that just to wind me up though. He might be trying to get a reaction from you to see how much it bothers you? Please don't think he likes them more than you, some men do it, like I say, to keep you on your toes, as it were.
Reply:Well guys like at porn
Reply:When you go shopping and look in a window and see something you like, do you say wow that's a nice outfit, shirt etc? Does it mean you're going to go run right in and get it? There's nothing wrong with looking it just means he's not blind. If it goes beyond looking then there's a problem.
Reply:well guys like to check other girls out but it a force of nature guys just look at other girl sso it doesnt matter
Reply:try looking more attractive.
Reply:you shouold def cut yourself
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