Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I need to find my dad who doesnt have a phone-lives in Puerto Rico I am not paying to find him please help me.

So my house just burned down. The last time he called was from his work. I tried to find him on the computer through a peole search but it all costs money. We are going to have the same number when the house is rebuilt, but her has no way to get ahold of me. I haven't seen him and was going to send him a letter and some pictures but it won't even find an address. I don't know what to do. All of the sited costs money to just get eh infromation tha tincludes humdreds of peole with the exact same name. That won't help because he doesn't have aphone. I was just wondering if there was a site that would actually narrow it down a lot so that I could find his address. I understand why they costs money so that people don't go steal his identity. I really don' tknow where to begin. If anybody can help an any way. That would be great. I understand that it is going to be hard to find a person. It gave so many names. In hipanic culture, you have more than one last name so that makes it even harder.

I need to find my dad who doesnt have a phone-lives in Puerto Rico I am not paying to find him please help me.
Is not that bad two last names make things easier for you. If have a social security number the SS offices can help you.

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