Friday, April 16, 2010

I found a game where u click on buttons at the bottom left screen when fighting to att or dodge i cant find it

it was 2d and at the start there was a civilian that you could fight and if you did he always said "fancy a fight?" to fight them you had to click a little red button at the top of theyre text box.the weapon he starts out with is a bouble bladed pole... and at the start there was a castle and you had to climb them to get to where if you went left you found a shop and right another part of the was an online game i first found it a addicting but i cant remember witch catagory. it had a kindof wierd sponcered can control the char. with the ^ %26lt; %26gt; "cant find the symbol that looks like the down key so." and down. he was dressed with casual colors and it had quit bad detail.when you wanted to talk to someone you pressed space. you could set the buttons to like "dodge" at the top button "attack" as the middle and so on .there were five buttons that you could starts out as only 2 set dodge on the top and attack as the clicked them.

I found a game where u click on buttons at the bottom left screen when fighting to att or dodge i cant find it
Look in your sock.

Racing Shoes

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