Friday, April 16, 2010

We found a turtle in the middle of a road. I would like 2 find out what kind of turtle it is. HELP !!!?

My parents %26amp; I found a turtle in the middle of a road on Friday,July 6. We took it home %26amp; I want 2 find out what kind of turtle it is. I don't know if this will help, but we found the turtle in Newburg, Pennsylvania.

Go to this link to see a picture of a turtle that resembles mine. :

F:\Alexa's Directed Studies Folder!! Do Not Touch!!\Turtles\BTSideTH.gif

We found a turtle in the middle of a road. I would like 2 find out what kind of turtle it is. HELP !!!?
Don't mean to sound critical here...but when you find a turtle in the middle of the road you shouldnt take it is a wild turtle!!

You take the turtle and put it over and off the road in the direction it was headed. Turtles are smart and they always know where they are if you were to put it in the opposite direction it was travelling someone else would find it on the road again...
Reply:If it has two red/orange bold or faint stripes on the side of it's head it is a Red Ear slider...if it has a completely yellow belly and nothing else it is a yellow belly slider..those are the most common along with a western and eastern painted turtle which is difficult to describe so you'll have to google that to get a better idea of what you found.

Alright-it is a turtles have a homing sense and will try to get back to where you found them-even if it is dangerous. You should put him back exactly where you found him, except not in the middle of the road this time. If you want to own a land tortoise, a russian tortoise is a good option. You will need a long terrarium with appopriate heat and uvb lighting. Just don't keep this one.

Good luck.
Reply:I have the same kind of turtle. It is a 3 toed box turtle. They are really fun to have and they are easy to take care of. If you want more info just email me.
Reply:Yes, that is an Eastern Box Turtle, not an aquatic species, it is a land turtle.

PA requires a permit and/or limits/restricts the capture of certain turtle species. As you can see in the link below, in PA it is not legal to simply take an Eastern Box Turtle from the wild.

More info on PA turtles:

Turtles and tortoises are actually rather difficult and expensive to care for properly. Most people do not realize this. If you are going to try to keep the animal please do extensive research on turtle care. Do you know about the needs of a reptile for basking temperatures? Its UV light requirements? Do you know what it needs nutritionally? Frankly, IMHO, I think you should just let it go where you found it. If you don't provide for all its needs it is going to sicken and die.
Reply:This will be an Eastern Box Turtle- 'Terrepena carolina'

Please understand a few things.

1. Wild turtles make bad pets, no matter what your friends and others say. Eastern Boxies are actually good pets if you

keep them well, but it can be tough to get the housing right for them.

2. Rescuing a turtle by taking it home is not really a rescue- it is a kidnapping. I appreciate your interest in animals, but please put it back. This species is threatened in most of its range, and by removing them, it makes it harder for that population to thrive.

3. You can learn more about box turtles at one of these sites:

- http://www.boxturtlesite.inof



4. If you decide to keep it anyway, please understand that this means you promise to try to take care of it well and the right way.

FYI- there is no such thing as a 'red-ear box turtle'. Check the sites and see what you really have.
Reply:If it has red marks on the side of its head, its a red eared box turtle. If its large and a brownish color, its a spiked desert tortoise. If you want you can e-mail me and tell me what it looks like at I have my e-mail address there and I don't want to give it out here. Gotta be safe in this crazy world full of crazies!

Oh, I think its a box tortoise! NOT A WILD TURTLE!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Eastern box turtle is what it is. Box Turtles are one of the hardest types of turtles to keep as a pet because they are very picky eaters. What it might like one day it won't touch the next. I have several turtles both water and land, If you are going to keep it read as much as you can on it. Listed below is a helpful site.
Reply:ahhh thats a box tortiose i think i can't see no webfeet there so its not an aquatic turtle so it must be a a tortiose and the only speciese i no of is a box turtlte from were you live good luck but if i was you realese it even though how cute he may be do the best for the lil fellah

good luck xxx
Reply:It looks like this is a box tortise I used to have one now i've got a red eared slider I had another red ear but it died I also had a snaping turtle
Reply:It is an eastern box turtle. Herpjournal is a cool website.
Reply:From the visual fetures of it I would most likely put all my bets on it that it is a yellow footed tortoise.
Reply:aawwweee it looks ssoo cute. i once had a turtle like that, but we never knew wat kind of turtle it was. the pet shop said it was probably a sand turtle but were not so sure.

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