Monday, May 4, 2009

Find out baby's sex or not find out?

Let me know if you found out sex or waited. For me, I did not find out with my other two and am not going to find out with this one. I had both of my kids without even a shot BUT WITH petocin induction (so you can imagine how much it hurt if you have been there). To me, finding out the sex is is like opening a Christmas present, finding out what it is, then sticking it back under the tree until Christmas then acting surprised. Not knowing was my motivation for natural labor and being strong through labor by thinking "I have carried this child for 9 months, time to work hard to find out what it is.

Happy Answering :)

Find out baby's sex or not find out?
I found out with all 3 of my kids...
Reply:My daughter wanted to know from the first day she found out she was prego. She drove me nuts talking about it. Yesterday she finally went for her ultra sound, she would finally find out. Wouldn't you know it, the baby wouldn't uncross it's legs and the tech couldn't tell. OMG she is not due until June.
Reply:The suspense is killing me! I wanted to find out the minute I became pregnant. I can't wait to buy clothes and design the baby room. I find out next week and I think I will be very early for my appointment. Probably wont be able to sleep the night before!
Reply:I had a gut feeling about the sex both times, and was right both times [ confirmed at ultrasound for other reasons ].

If there is ANY CHANCE you will be disappointed in the sex, find out ahead of time - I have seen EXTREMELY upset parents in the delivery room [ both moms and dads ].

I didn't feel the knowledge of the sex 'ruined' anything - you still get a wonderful 'gift'!
Reply:the only reason I wouldn't wait until birth is that I don't like the color green... or yellow either.. and at the baby shower and such, that's what the colors would be of the stuff.,. I'd like buying according to sex.
Reply:i want surprises,i prefer not to find out..
Reply:To me, I would want because it makes it better!!
Reply:This is my 3rd and we just found out it is a girl, i also found out on my other 2-girl and boy. I just couldnt wait.. I am a planner and wanted to get things for the baby that would be girl or boy.

I think it is just as exciting to get your present early, thats just me! plus it really helped picking a name, which was the hardest thing in the world, and i feel like i got to know the baby in a different way before it was born.
Reply:I had to know for both of mine I could not stand not knowing.
Reply:I don't want to know, I want that big surprise to look forward to at the end of labour to make it all the more worthwhile, I am very excited and wouldn't feel the same if I knew already and had a name picked out . . .


oh and like the person below, my partner was a bit more curious than me, but good old baby would not flash at my 23 week scan so tough - the sonographer could tell but would not say because I didn't want to know.

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