Monday, April 12, 2010

Find occurrence of dates inside a given year?

Hi all,

I have a table containing daily dates of working days through several years.

What I would like to have is to be able to choose a date and then find its corresponding date one year later.

An example would be: the date 2000-01-01 and its corresponding date: 2001-01-01. The problem is that 2000-01-01 wasn't a working day and so I will not be able to find it in my table.

Is there any trick for telling mySQL to find a corresponding date in a certain interval that is also actually found in the table?

Am I clear with my question??

I would be happy to hear your opinion about this :-)


Find occurrence of dates inside a given year?
Don't think of dates as three numbers (day month year) but instead as one compound number (like a computer uses internally). That way instead of looking for dates in the range say 10/10/2006 to 15/10/2006, you can just look in a number range say 75673 to 75782. (These numbers are made up - don't try to read any meaning in them).

As far as I'm aware, dates are already stored like this in most applications - I'm assuming that SQL is no different.

Reply:Micron try this link;q=F...
Reply:You are clear with the question but I don't have an answer. Sorry.

teeth whitening

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